Deborah Kanfer was the artist of our last Hummus and Chardonnay dinner with Southbrook Vineyards. All parties involved helped raise money to support the amazing work of The Sojourn House Toronto and their work with refugees. Below is her view of that beautiful night.
Eyal & Rebecca

A couple of weeks back, I had the utmost pleasure in not only attending, but also participating in a beautifully elegant, sophisticated and delicious dinner event, hosted by an extremely talented, husband and wife duo; Chef Eyal Liebman and Sommelière Rebecca Meïr-Liebman of Chef & Somm. They put on an exquisite dining experience, to say the least. I was delighted to have been invited to outfit the walls of the stunning gallery event space, of The Richmond, with a solo art show featuring a long awaited display of my Cityscapes and Living Spaces body of work.
Chef & Somm’s objective is to marry the elements of food, wine, and art, which all serve to create a perfectly balanced atmosphere of various cultures, coexisting under one roof. It truly was a spiritual experience, where one is led by all 5 senses; sight: the hanging artwork, touch: the display of functional fine art miniatures (Keepsake Jewellery), smell: the coaxing and flirtatious aromas of the food and wine pairings, and taste: we eat, drink and be merry!
The Richmond provided the perfect space for the hanging of my work.
The location and the juxtaposition of the artworks hanging against floor to ceiling windows that look onto an edgy display of raw public graffiti art complimented the entire exhibition to perfection.
I was delighted to have been the featured artist for the evening. The table settings and placements were designed in a way that allowed for each guest to have the perfect view of the displayed artworks, Rebecca’s colourful and playful explanations and stories behind the food and wine pairings, and of course, the ability to easily converse among the excellent company over the course of the evening.
I had a wonderful night. I’ll go as far as saying it was quite magical. And my dream to showcase my Cityscapes and Living Spaces collection within a private fine and high quality setting, came true. And all of this was done for an excellent cause. I look forward to partnering up with these two talents again.
I highly recommend keeping watch of their next dinner event series. Tickets sell fast!
Bon Appetite!
Deborah Kanfer